Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chapter 13

A note about blogs. I know when I started this I gave a rough explanation of what a blog IS. This post is more about what I'm realizing blogs DO.

When written for a purpose, blogs are informative. The Wall Street Journal has a Law blog. A professional blog that talks about legal issues. I stumbled onto this through what the law blogger has been posting in regards to the J.K. Rolling vs. RDR Books copyright trial. This blogger is IN the courtroom, like a reporter. And he reports on what happened in his blog. Its instant news. I'm sure there were a lot of media outlets there, news reporters for tv and newspaper, and other internet news sites, but this person makes his living blogging. Its great. I think it gives a little bit of a personal spin, more so than a newspaper or tv news story.

My blog for PSH Admissions is written for a purpose, but since comments have been disabled, I'm not sure what people think of it. I can check to see how many hits I've gotten, and where the traffic came from (where the link was that they clicked on to arrive at my blog). I know I'm getting traffic, and thats a good thing. Its like me being able to talk to all the people interested in coming to penn state harrisburg, all at the same time, and when its convenient for them. Something that would not be possible without the internet, or a blog (or some other form of writing text and putting it on the web).

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