Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome to the Enchanted Bookshelf

In this first post, I'd like to expand a little on the description of this blog and give a bit more detail about the things I'll be talking about.

The World Wide Web is a huge place, with a bunch of things posted, interlinked together. Making it a great resource for people looking for just about anything OR looking to connect with other people. Blog sites, message boards, interactive websites, all of these things bring people from all over the world together over a common interest.

I am going to start with how I use the internet to connect with people with my interests. I'll be talking about websites related to books, authors and reading, but I'll also be talking about game sites, message board sites, other blogs, and various other ways that the Web helps us find information and connect with others.

I am open to discussion on how others use the Web, blogs, and other websites. I'd love to hear from anyone that stops by to read my rambles. :)

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